Flyer No. 1 (rev1) Of Iec2024,taizhou Page 0001The 2024 International Engineering Congress, presented by the Federation of Engineering Institutions of Asia and the Pacific (FEIAP), is a newly established high-level international conference in the field of engineering. The general theme of the congress is “Sustainable Engineering for Better Future”. The 2024IEC theme is “Engineering Innovation: Cooperation for Mutual Benefits”. It is dedicated to promoting international cooperation in areas such as engineering education, emerging technologies, innovation, and the development and mobility of engineering professionals.

The congress aims to create an academic feast in the field of engineering. Leaders and representatives of engineering organizations from more than 40 countries and regions in Asia, Oceania, Africa and Latin America, as well as representatives from UNESCO, famous international scientific and technological organizations and international engineering organisations will attend the meeting. The congress will become a platform for global southern engineering organizations to forge common understanding for sustainable development, and a platform for global engineers to exchange ideas and learn from each other…(More Information)

Welcome to FEIAP

The Federation of Engineering Institutions of Asia and the Pacific (FEIAP) is an international non-profit professional organization founded on 6 July 1978. Its establishment following an exploratory meeting convened and organised by The Engineering Institute of Thailand under The King’s Patronage with the support of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on 3 July 1978 in Chiang Mai….(Read More)

To Foster

Cooperation and the exchange of information between its Members;

To Facilitate

Exchange of members of engineering institu­tions between different economies in the region;

To Encourage

Formation and to foster the activities of institutions of engineers in the region;

To Sponsor

Meetings, symposia and congresses of regional interest and relevance;

To Study

Issues concerning the education, continuing professional development and qualifications of engineers; and

To Cooperate

With international, regional and govern­mental and non-governmental organisations and engineers.

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